Friday, March 6, 2009

"Software is like sex: it's better when it's free." Linus Torvalds

Link to

white papers, case studies, & references:

cost-conscious companies turn to open source software

"Linux as an operating system for the desktop is much less established in enterprise use, with 39 percent of respondents in the Gartner survey currently using it and another 22 percent expecting to use it within the next year." ~ Gartner 2008 CIO Survey

Open Source in Every Business within 12 Months, Says Gartner

empirical data, ubuntu beats vista

"Steven A. Reisler explains his experience with GNU/Linux, and how he has completely freed his computing environment from proprietary software."

IBM To Enterprise: Ditch Windows For Our "Microsoft-Free" Terminals

links, partners, & technologies:

google apps

the mozilla manifesto


Spreadfirefox Affiliate Button

**penguin picture available via a creative commons attribution license artist attribution - here